Sister Institutions

The School Founders in their long-term work have established cooperation and partnership with several hundred institutions, associations, foundations, and organizations of education, upbringing, culture, art and information, and institutions of all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This practice of development will be continued by the Contemporary – Art High School Tuzla following the programs of action and legal regulations.

Cooperation with institutions of upbringing, education, culture, and art 

The School curricula are designed so that students are acquainted with the functioning systems of institutions and establishments in Bosnia and Herzegovina through professional and artistic subjects. To research its work, but also fulfill the obligation to apply all laws and bylaws, the School will build professional cooperation with such institutions and the ones that are related to the basic activity of the School. The emphasis of cooperation is placed on the Ministry of Education and Science of Tuzla Canton, the Pedagogical Institute of Tuzla Canton, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Tuzla Canton, and municipal/city authorities for education, culture, arts, information, and work with youth at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cooperation with municipalities/cities of Tuzla Canton 

Firstly, the School will have the possibility to monitor public calls and implement several city-level, cantonal, state, and European projects that are of importance for the development of children and youth in Tuzla Canton, together with the Founders. The emphasis of those project activities is placed on the establishment of mechanisms for long-term cooperation with all municipalities/cities of Tuzla Canton and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Everyone will be involved in the creation and implementation of such projects: management, staff and associates, parents, guardians, and students as end-users of project results and cooperation.

Cooperation with institutions of preschool education 

The School will work on establishing certain cooperation mechanisms with preschool education institutions of Tuzla Canton, to develop drama education and conducting practical classes together with performances of theater plays of various forms created in the production of the School.

Cooperation with primary and secondary schools 

A prominent step would be the establishment of cooperation with other primary and secondary schools in Tuzla Canton, for which theatrical plays of various forms created in the production of the School will be offered. In this way, we will focus on promoting the art as a model for consciousness transformation, but also on raising cultural awareness among students in Tuzla Canton. The School will also establish cooperation with primary and secondary schools in Tuzla Canton in order to offer its expertise in developing and improving the work of art classes in schools and the launch and development of school theater systems and festivals.

Cooperation with universities and faculties

In the programs of professional orientation for students, the School will establish cooperation with public and private universities and faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, and enable the promotion of directions, departments, and other educational offers for future students. Also, the intention is to provide innovative drama methods for application in the regular educational process through such cooperation programs with public and private universities and faculties.

Cooperation with institutions and cultural centers of Tuzla Canton

Establishing cooperation with public institutions and cultural centers of ​​Tuzla Canton will hopefully result in hosting public school presentations and performances. The intention is to sign contracts and define regulations regarding practical classes’ performances, in order to improve students’ competency, create preconditions for work and engagement, and raise cultural awareness in all cities and municipalities of Tuzla Canton.

Cooperation with non-governmental organizations and foundations

Establishing cooperation with non-governmental organizations, foundations, and associations with an emphasis on youth organizations is also one of our goals. The School will offer its human, technical, program, and spatial resources for the improvement of the work and development of non-governmental organizations. The aim is to sign contracts and define regulations regarding practical classes’ performance which, in the long term, provides an opportunity for students to engage and work in such places. In this way, while working with non-governmental organizations on solving and implementing projects of social importance, the application of drama as a specific model of communication with the community will come to life.

Cooperation with media

Cooperation with media in both Tuzla Canton and Bosnia and Herzegovina will be established when the contract of cooperation protocols is signed. This will further ensure the promotion of successful individuals of the School, respecting the Law and policies for the protection of children’s rights. The intention is to promote positive examples of practice, but also to promote the uniqueness of the application of drama in education and upbringing. Also, in cooperation with various media houses (TV, radio, written forms, web portals), students will be able to gain internships in the fields of media literacy and information.

Regional cooperation and programs of international exchanges

Through a number of projects, programs, and activities of international cooperation, the school will establish cooperation with other, similar schools, faculties, institutions, organizations, donors, partners, and individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region, and Europe. This type of cooperation is one of the biggest challenges and strategic directions of school development.

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