Visual Identity and Dress Code

The Contemporary Art School puts its primary focus on four colors:
- Black as a symbol of coal to bring students’ awareness about entrepreneurship, economic development, focused work, and lifetime learning processes;
- White as a symbol of salt to bring students’ awareness about patriotism, culture, language, identity, tradition, and cultural and historical treasures;
- Red as a symbol of power, wish, and strength of human being;
- Green as a symbol of natural goods protection, development, balance, freshness, and fertility.
The School logo is a symbol of welcome, joy of play, transformation, movement, openness, accessibility, sharing, and freedom of expression.
Students and staff of the School have a prescribed dress code.
During spring and summer, students wear white and black cotton T-shirts with a prominent School logo; while in fall and winter, students wear white and black long-sleeved sweatshirts with a prominent School logo.
The staff wears red and blue polo shirts with a prominent School logo.