Srednje „Savremeno-umjetničke škole” Tuzla
Continuing Education
Students at the school are educated according to the curriculum that encompasses necessary general education and professional subjects. This approach allows students who have completed the school to have the opportunity to continue their education at all universities / academies. The school is established with the aim of promoting further education in which both educational directions encourage and prepare students to continue their education in the following areas:
- Music, drama, and other performing arts,
- Graphic and fashion design,
- Dance and ballet, sports,
- Acting, directing, production, dramaturgy, criticism,
- Costume design and clothing construction,
- Visual arts, spatial design, painting,
- Photography, cinematography, film, audio, and video editing,
- Puppetry, animation,
- Preschool education, classroom teaching,
- Pedagogy, psychology,
- Medicine, pharmacy,
- Sociology, philosophy, human rights,
- Languages and literature, foreign languages, history, geography,
- Education, rehabilitation,
- Management, marketing, tourism, economics,
- Communication, journalism, media, PR management,
- Law, political science, international relations, and diplomacy,
- Applied mathematics, information technology,
- Audio-visual arts,
- Other vocations and professions.
The Contemporary Art School prepares future students to apply innovative approaches to education and upbringing, utilizing the methods of applied theater and drama from high school in all their future professions and occupations.