
Students can have one of the following statuses:

  • Student of regular education,
  • Student of parallel education,
  • Student and person who is professionally trained and additionally educated.

Students of regular education are students who have previously completed primary school, who are not older than 17 at the time of enrollment and who have chosen the Contemporary – Art High School Tuzla as a choice for regular secondary education.

Students of parallel education achieve this status by enrolling in parallel education in the Contemporary – Art High School Tuzla and a department in another high school in the status of a regular student. The student of parallel education is obliged to attend vocational and art subjects in the Contemporary – Art High School Tuzla while having the right to choose the general education subjects in another high school that s(he) wants to attend.

A student/person who is professionally trained and additionally educated refers to anyone who is over 18 years of age at the time of enrollment and attends classes for adults or takes exams. S(he) has to pass the difference in subjects concerning the curriculum of the previous education or the program used for professional improvement and training, and/or additional education.

Students of all statuses have the right and obligation to perform duties defined in the School contract, which include completing school obligations and responsibilities in accordance with the Law and acting in accordance with the School’s regulations, responsibly treating the property, other students, teachers, associates, staff, partners, and parents.

Educational work in the School is realized on the basis of curricula created by the Founders and approved by the Pedagogical Institute of Tuzla Canton and the Ministry of Education and Science of Tuzla Canton. Curricula are conceived as a relationship between general education and vocational arts.

Educational work in the School is completed by using the following forms:

  • regular theory and practice-art classes,
  • additional beginner classes,
  • additional advanced classes,
  • preparatory classes,
  • instructional/consultation classes,
  • practice classes,
  • optional classes,
  • course classes,
  • extracurricular activities,
  • other forms of educational work.

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