LIJEPE VIJESTI – Aktivnosti učenika u toku ljetnog raspusta (Foto)
July 27, 2024
STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS – Adi Atlić, winner of the photo contest ‘BiH in the frame – Documentary stories of young people’
July 30, 2024

Festival Kaleidoskop!

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, as part of the celebration of the 14th Kaleidoscope festival, a Basic Photography and Film workshop was held on the stage of the Tuzla Youth Theatre.
The workshop was attended by 20 young people, and was led by Adi Atlić, a third-grade student of the Contemporary Art School and a member of the Tuzla Youth Theater together with Lamija Redžepagić, a member of the Film Studio of the Tuzla Youth Theater under the mentorship of Adnan Mujkić.

Photo gallery

Selected photos of the workshop

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